A Farcical Extravaganza

That's how Flatwater's production of The Misanthrope was described by the Lincoln Journal Star. Here are further highlights from the review:
The critical and cynical painter Alceste (Fred Stuart), who attacks false civility, produces plenty of laughter from the audience. Alceste’s blunt and rude honesty is a laudable trait, but his rectitude also produces ridicule and rejection. Is he a hero or a victim? Stuart is an accomplished performer, ably playing rage and anger, tempered with minute comedic touches. His [character’s] ire is often generated by the flirtatiousness of his love, Celimene (Andrea Swartz), whose dalliances confound him.
Add in Tom Crew as Alceste’s friend Philante, whose conciliatory placations allow him to exist within the confines of society, as well as other fine supporting local performers. Dick Nielsen excels as the vain Oronte, a terribly poor wannabe poet, while Darin Hemmer and Brad Boesen exercise broad comedic portrayals of suitors for Celimene’s hand.
Completing the major supporting cast are Rebecca Key as Arsinoe, who desires Alceste but displays priggish puritanism and jealousy, and Julie Kinkennon as Celimene’s shy cousin Eliante.
The trio of Nielsen, Hemmer and Boesen . . . almost steals the show. But Stuart’s bravado portrayal still dominates.
– Lincoln Journal Star, April 18, 2008
Bob Hall's adaptation of Moliere's classic, The Misanthrope, continues this week at the Haymarket Theatre, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 23 -- Sunday, April 27. There will be an additional 10 p.m. show on Friday, April 25.
The Haymarket Theatre is located at 803 "Q" Street in Lincoln’s Haymarket District. Ticket prices are $18 for adults and $15 for students and seniors. Group rates also are available. Call 484-7640 for reservations or visit www.flatwatershakespeare.org.
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