One More Show for Flatwater Youth's "Julius Caesar"

These are very good actors doing very good work -- individually and collectively -- with Shakespeare.
Director Tom Crew has elicited rich, complex performances from his ensemble.
Andrew DeCamp's Brutus is vulnerable in his nobility. Noemi Berkowitz's Cassius is passionate in her thinking as well as her emotions. Jackson Fisher's Antony grows admirable even as he becomes more ruthless as a politician. Reed Baillie is impressively imperious as Caesar.
Emma Gruhl is compellingly poignant as both Portia and Titinius. Marie Wathen's Octavius is already Antony's most challenging rival, not only his ally. Prestyn Hartman does a hilarious turn as Casca. Annaliese Saathoff conveys touching devotion as Calpurnia and as Messala. Sadie Fisher's Lucius deserves the role's treatment as a central character in this version.
Matty Merritt, Mary Marsolek, Eli Diamant, Dillon Kirby, and Chloe Nore convincingly portray a wide variety of roles as, basically, the entire population of Rome.
Support the Flatwater Shakespeare Youth program by attending its production of
William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., at the Swan Theatre at Wyuka
3600 "O" Street in Lincoln
Tickets: $8
William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., at the Swan Theatre at Wyuka
3600 "O" Street in Lincoln
Tickets: $8
Photos: Jackson Fisher as Antony; Emma Gruhl as Titinius; Reed Baillie as Julius Caesar; Sadie Fisher as Lucius in Flatwater Shakespeare Youth production of Julius Caesar.
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