What's New for 2011 (and After)

Our 2011 Season:
Because of the closing of the Swan Theatre at Wyuka for renovations, we will have the special challenge of performing at new sites in the next two years, which we see as an opportunity to expand our activities and build our audience.
Angels in America: Millennium Approaches. In April, we will join forces with the Haymarket Theatre to perform the first part of Tony Kushner’s modern classic, the second part to follow in 2012. Because Angels in America has just opened in a major revival on Broadway, ours will be among the few productions allowed while the Broadway productions are running.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: This most popular of Shakespeare’s plays allows for flexible performance sites, so we plan to do our major run at the Lincoln Community Foundation Gardens in downtown Lincoln and special performances at a number of outdoor venues that will bring the play to new audiences. We are still negotiating for the supplementary sites.
Othello: In September we will perform Shakespeare’s most intimate tragedy at the smaller theater at the Community Playhouse, a place ideally suited to this intense drama.
Our 2012 Season:
We will perform the second part of Angels in America, Perestroika in April 2012 at the Haymarket, and in the summer and fall Shakespeare’s festive comedy Twelfth Night and the challenging comedy The Merchant of Venice with its controversial lead character Shylock.
Visit us here and at www.flatwatershakespeare.org for further details!
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