Angels in America, Part Two: Perestroika completes playwright Tony Kushner's modern classic as the Flatwater Shakespeare Company again joins forces with The Haymarket Theatre. Described by the author as “A Gay Fantasia on American Themes,” this Pulitzer Prize winning play examines 1980s America with warm humor, savage wit, soaring imagination, heartbreak, and hope. The show opens Thursday, March 29, at The Haymarket Theatre, 803 “Q” Street in Lincoln. Performances continue Friday-Sunday, March 30-31 and April 1; and Thursday-Sunday, April 5-8 and 12-15. All show times are 7:30 p.m. Ticket prices are $18 for adults, $15 for seniors, and $10 for students. Call 402-477-2600 for reservations.
Angels in America, Part Two continues the stories of Prior, Belize, Louis, Joe, Harper, Hannah, and Roy. The historical context of the failing Soviet Union's attempts at Perestroika – restructuring – illuminates how U. S. society responded and adapted to the AIDS crisis. Human emotions and cultural tensions are all explored with great flair, honesty, and humanity. Director Bob Hall is proud that Flatwater Shakespeare and the Haymarket Theatre are co-presenting what he calls an “astonishing play” that “reveals how the AIDS epidemic, devastating as it was, focused this country’s attention on a part of society it often preferred to ignore.”
Hall has gathered together an ensemble equal to the task of bringing these memorable characters to life, with Andy Dillehay as Prior, Daniel Kubert as Belize, Nathan Weiss as Louis, Mary Douglass as Hannah, Summer Widhalm as Harper, and Matt Lukasiewicz as Joe. Richard Nielsen again appears as Kushner’s fictionalized, but true-to-life version of Roy Cohn. Flatwater Shakespeare associates Elizabeth Govaerts and Dustin Witte take on a dizzying number of supporting roles.
This ground-breaking play raises several important issues, which audience members will want to discuss. As with last year’s production, talkbacks will be held immediately after several performances. Support for Angels in America has been generously provided by the Cooper Foundation and the Lincoln Arts Council. For more information, visit flatwatershakespeare.org and haymarkettheatre.org.
Angels in America, Part Two: Perestroika
Dates: March 29-31, April 1; April 5-8, 12-15
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: The Haymarket Theatre, 803 "Q" St., Lincoln
Tickets: 402-477-2600, $18 Adults; $15 Seniors; $10 Students
Photo: Summer Widhalm as Harper in the Flatwater Shakespeare / Haymarket Theatre production of Angels in America. Photo Credit: John Nollendorfs.
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