Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Q & A With New Flatwater Shakespeare Company EAD: Marshall Carby


If you’ve been following along, you know that we have a new Executive Artistic Director! You also know that we’ve been taking questions from you- our gentle audience- for Marshall. Having met with former Flatwater Shakespeare EAD -Summer Lukasiewicz- to review company, history, culture, and policy, the FSC baton is completely in Marshall’s capable hands! Now it’s time for you to get to know Marshall a little more as he answers YOUR questions!


What role does theatre play in a community?

Community is perhaps the most important element of theatre to me. I view theatre as a community all on its own, but one that can positively impact those outside the theater as well. From actors, directors, designers, crew, box office and administrative staff, and even the audience are central to the art form.  By bringing people together we enrich our community by posing important questions, challenging social norms, and joining in the power of shared experience.  

When were you first introduced to Shakespeare? What were your first impressions of the man and the plays?

I first learned about Shakespeare in school. Honestly, reading Shakespeare was overwhelming and something I viewed as boring.  In 1996 Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet hit the box office and changed my perspective forever.  I know some LOVE this film, others are not a fan, but for me, it brought a vibrance to the play I had not seen before.  The characters felt relatable and my view of Shakespeare’s work was changed forever. 


What is your Favorite Shakespeare play?

Not to dodge the question, but I love so many of Shakespeare’s plays.  My favorite has changed many times over the years as I’ve developed as a person and the different direction my life has taken over time.  Shakespeare's work speaks to the very soul of the human experience, and depending on your current perspective, certain characters and plays will take on different meanings at different times.   


What is your favorite Shakespeare comedy? Favorite Tragedy?

As I said in my previous answer, my favorite has changed many times over the years, but I will answer this question with where I am today!

Comedy: Twelfth Night

Tragedy: Macbeth


Who is your favorite Shakespearean leading lady?

This is a tremendous question!  I would have to say Cordelia (King Lear).

One of the aspects I find most intriguing in Shakespeare’s work is the journey of self-discovery.  However, Cordelia does not go on a journey of self-discovery because she is incredibly rooted and grounded as a character. Rather than compromise, she spends the play defending what she knows is right. Unlike many other characters, she knows who she is, what is important to her, and will not betray that for anything.  Spoiler Alert* Though her resolve leads to her death, she remains true to herself regardless of the consequences.  At every turn, she displays strength, morality, and love.  I feel she is one of the strongest characters in the entire Shakespeare Canon, regardless of gender.

Why do you think Shakespeare is important?

While we are all different and many social dynamics have changed and progressed since Shakespeare’s time, many aspects of the human experience have stayed the same.  Themes of love and loss, deception and compassion, and even tragedy and humor are experiences most humans have during their lives. Shakespeare unapologetically showcased many of these feelings and experiences speaking to the very nature of the human condition. Shakespeare displays the best and worst in all of us.  When you look closely at Shakespeare's text you are often provided perspective on many of life’s larger questions.  The universality of his work is what I find most important.  

What is your vision/biggest goal for your first year with FSC?

This year I am focused on familiarizing myself with the history of FSC and learning more about the theatre community in Lincoln.  I have done a significant amount of research and have found a rich tradition of high-quality productions throughout Lincoln and the surrounding areas. I will continue this tradition with community-focused collaborations. 


 What have been some of the fondest Nebraska moments you’ve experienced since moving?

Snow!  I know this must be a strange answer for many people reading, but as a person who grew up in Texas and spent most of their life in the south, snow is pure magic.  Growing up I would always hope for a snow day.  I’m sure the wonder and splendor of snow will subside at some point, but I am three years in and still amazed at the beauty of freshly fallen snow.  


Cake or Pie?

Pie!  Pie has so many varieties and can take on both sweet and savory.  I won’t claim savory cakes don’t exist, but it is definitely more common in the pie community!

Thank you all for your thoughtful questions and stay tuned for more FSC announcements!


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