Support Us Through Thank You Tuesday!

Every Tuesday A Novel Idea contributes three percent of their gross sales to a charitable organization. They hope to increase awareness about these organizations while providing financial support. They offer their customers a chance to contribute through their purchases – giving back to the community while getting the books they love.
We are grateful to A Novel Idea for making Flatwater the latest beneficiary of Thank You Tuesday. We encourage all Flatwater friends to visit A Novel Idea (and Silas the Cat, pictured above) each Tuesday – they have a great Drama section, by the way!
A Novel Idea has two locations –
Lincoln: 118 N. 14th St., Lincoln, NE 68508. Phone: 402-475-8663. Open: Monday-Saturday, 10am - 6pm & Sunday 1pm - 5pm.
Brownville: 117 Main St., Brownville, NE 68321. Phone: 402-825-3974. Open: Thursday - Sunday, 11am - 4pm (April - December).
Visit their website: – especially their Philanthropy page.
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