Farewell to "Two Gents"

A sold-out crowd filled the Swan to overflowing for the final performance of The Two Gentlemen of Verona. We're sad to see this wonderful run come to its conclusion, but we're grateful for the amazing support we received from our audiences for this "expertly acted and directed" show -- as one patron observed. A few more comments:
What a great show! I had never read the play, and we found it really charming and full of wit, set and performed so well, and with super style in the costume department. I've still got the "Sylvia" song in my head. Huzzah!
We did – all of us – very much enjoy the show.
And about the Youth production:
Totally loved it! Lincoln is fortunate to have the beautiful Swan Theatre – and the swans!
Special thanks go to Jayne Sebby, owner of our rehearsal dog, Blue, and of the dog who played Crab for the show, Taz, in his stage debut. Taz is a nine-year old red Border Collie who competes in agility and is close to achieving his 20th title. He also helps to teach handlers and other dogs in agility classes and has given dozens of demonstrations in Lincoln, at sites including the Lied Center and the Lancaster Events Center.
So many individuals -- including the non-human variety -- contribute in making the magic of Flatwater Shakespeare!
Photos: Robie Hayek as Launce and Taz as Crab the Dog in Flatwater Shakespeare's The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Photo credit: Michelle Zinke, Stage Manager Extraordinaire.
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