The Show Went On!

An audience member's thoughts on last night's stormy staging of The Two Gentlemen of Verona:
Shakespeare at the outdoor Swan Theater! The Two Gentlemen from Verona with a Nebraska thunderstorm. Sweet Silvia proclaiming from the balcony with rain pelting her face as she shouted her lines over the rolling thunder! The play continued, after the lightning passed, in the portico -- with the audience flanking the walls and the actors making up stage direction as they went along. It was Shakespeare at his best.
And from two of our actors:
The show must go on!! Last night, the Two Gents cast performed the 2nd Act under the covered barn entrance, with audience and cast all huddled together while the gale stormed on around us. So freeing, so playful, so FUN! Thanks for reminding me of the JOY of live theatre!
Best Two Gents show ever.
And from Bob Hall, the director:
Last night 2Gents performed the end of the play (last 4 scenes or so) in the covered entrance tunnel to the barn with the audience standing around us in a semi-circle and the storm raging behind us. It was glorious. I'll remember it forever.
You won't find a more dedicated and joyful ensemble than the cast of Flatwater Shakespeare's The Two Gentlemen of Verona!
Performances continue at the Swan Theatre at Wyuka, 3600 O Street in Lincoln, Friday-Sunday, June 18-20 and Thursday-Sunday, June 24-27. All show times are 7:30 p.m. Ticket prices are $18 for adults, $15 for seniors, and $10 for students. Call 473-2897 for reservations.
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