Monday, February 14, 2022

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! FSC Executive Director, Marshall Carby, on Shakespeare and Friendship

Valentine’s Day is often seen as a day to focus on romantic relationships. I am fortunate to share an incredible relationship with my wife, Sarah. She is my favorite person in the world and the person I am lucky to spend my life with each day. While I could go on at length about the relationship I have with romantic love, and how it relates to Shakespeare, today I will focus on a different kind of relationship and love, FRIENDSHIP!  

To me, true friendships are one of the most powerful things in the world. We often see the impact of friendship in Shakespeare’s plays such as the bond between Hamlet and Horatio, Rosalind and Celia, Helena and Hermia, and Romeo and Mercutio.  Some of these friendships lead to joy, others to tragedy. Loyalty is a common theme.  The text will either uphold the bond or devastatingly divide the two. I find this traditionally takes one of two paths.  In option one, the audience witnesses a moment of extreme joy earlier in the play. Establishing the connection between the two characters early makes it more painful when the bond is broken later in the play.  Option two is more reflective and often occurs when a character recounts a past relationship fondly.  One great example of Shakespeare’s view on friendship is seen in Richard II Act 2, Scene 3 --

Bolingbroke: I thank thee, gentle Percy, and be sure I count myself in nothing else so happy as in a soul rememb’ring my good friends, and as my fortune ripens with thy love, it shall be still thy true love’s recompense.  My heart this covenant makes, my hand thus seals it.

Bolingbroke’s comments on friendship may resonate with many people, I know they do for me. Specifically, working in theatre, I have formed many amazing friendships. During rehearsals, other artists see your most vulnerable and authentic self.  Allowing yourself to access raw feelings outside of your most trusted inner circle often bring about new friendships.  Over the years, I have been honored to make many meaningful and lasting friendships that have added love and support to my life. I wish I could name every friend I’ve ever had, but for time’s sake, I will mention two friends who I hold near and dear to my heart, Bill and Jimmy. 

The three of us meet working on a production of Anything Goes eight years ago.  We became fast friends, bonding over many things we all enjoy, theatre, seafood, football, and a good laugh.  Over the years, we have gotten to know each other’s families, shared in successes, and been there to navigate some of the difficult parts of life. I must agree with Bolingbroke, I count myself in nothing else so happy as in a soul rememb’ring my good friends

This Valentine’s Day I encourage you to think about the closest friendships you have and reach out to these wonderful people. These are the loyal and trustworthy people you keep close.  I like to think of them as “the family you choose.” I hope you are fortunate to have friends like Jimmy and Bill. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. 


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