Hail the Conquering Villain

Brad Boesen is remarkable as Shakespeare’s King Richard III.
Boesen commands the stage from first to almost last, at Richard’s demise.
During Richard’s rise to power, Boesen lets the audience know how the character could be so persuasive, convincing, and seductive to even the most savvy and experienced political players on the scene. Boesen’s Richard charms the other characters, as he charms the audience.
Just as impressively, Boesen shows the limits of Richard’s charm and the faltering of his drive and discernment once he has achieved the crown. Richard has relied so heavily the Duke of Buckingham, that without his ally he can no longer maneuver as confidently as he once could. Instead, he resents his past dependence on the Duke.
As Buckingham, Dick Nielsen is a consummate politician – a deft actor and director not for the stage but in plays for power. Together, Richard and Buckingham are unbeatable. The end of their alliance, though, hastens the end of their lives. (Nielsen also contributes a memorable turn as a conscience-stricken Murderer.)
The rest of the ensemble contributes admirably to a fast-paced, thoroughly engaging drama.
Don’t miss an extraordinary evening of theater, as the Flatwater Shakespeare Company presents Bob Hall’s production of Richard III. The remaining performances run Thursday–Sunday, September 18-21 and 25-28, 7:30 at the Swan Theatre at Wyuka, 3600 "O" Street in Lincoln.
Call 473-2897 to reserve tickets!
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